You should use internet marketing for a variety of reasons. If you can figure it out, it gives you the ability to spend your time, not your money, advertising your business. It gives you access to a much broader market than any brick and mortar business. It allows you to kick the crap out of big companies that just throw money at Internet marketing, a tactic often used to crush smaller business in the brick and mortar world.
When you get down to brass knuckles, online marketing not only gives you a level playing field with the big or bigger boys, it gives you an advantage. I like to call this the leverage and arrogance advantage.
Assume you write one piece of great software and try to start a small company in the brick and mortar world. If you are deemed to be a threat by the big software companies, what is going to happen? If you dont get bought out, they are going to wipe you out. Since you have limited resources and little leverage with retailers, you are screwed, blue and tattooed. Not on the web.
Online marketing is beautiful because it flattens the playing field for all players, big and small. The key is search engine optimization. Regardless of how…